Understanding Loops and Switch case

Understanding Loop Structures in Programming:

When we delve into programming, we encounter two fundamental types of loops that play crucial roles in controlling the flow of our code:

  1. Entry Controlled Loops: These loops evaluate the test condition before entering the loop body. This means that the condition is checked first, and only if it is true, the loop body is executed. Common examples of entry-controlled loops include the For Loop and the While Loop.

  2. Exit Controlled Loops: In contrast, exit-controlled loops assess the test condition at the conclusion of the loop body. This unique characteristic ensures that the loop body is executed at least once, regardless of whether the condition is true or false. An example of an exit-controlled loop is the do-while loop. This distinction in loop behavior is essential for programmers to grasp as it influences how code is executed and decisions are made within the loop structures.

  • For Loop

    A for loop is a programming feature that helps you repeat a specific block of code. It's handy when you need to do the same thing many times without copying the code. Here are the key parts of a for loop:

    • Initialization: In a for loop, the initialization step involves setting up a counter variable at the beginning. This variable marks the starting point from which the loop will commence its iterations.

      • Condition: The condition in a for loop determines when the loop should cease its repetitions. It serves as the terminating condition that guides the loop's execution.

      • Increment/Decrement: Managing the counter's progression is crucial in a for loop. The increment or decrement operation dictates how the counter variable changes with each iteration, allowing the loop to move to the next item in the sequence.


for (type variableName : arrayName) {
// code block to be executed

Ranged Based for Loop

In C++11, a new range-based for loop was introduced to simplify iterating over collections like arrays and vectors. This loop provides a more concise and readable way to access elements within a container without the need for manual index management. By using the range-based for loop, developers can enhance code clarity and reduce the risk of off-by-one errors that commonly occur with traditional loops. This feature significantly improves code readability and maintainability, making it a valuable addition to modern C++ programming practices.is:


for(variable : collection){



Here, for every value in the collection, the for loop is executed and the value is assigned to the variable.


  • The initialization and increment statements can perform operations unrelated to the condition statement, or nothing at all – if you wish to do. But the good practice is to only perform operations directly relevant to the loop.

  • A variable declared in the initialization statement is visible only inside the scope of the for loop and will be released out of the loop.

  • Don’t forget that the variable which was declared in the initialization statement can be modified during the loop, as well as the variable checked in the condition.

While Loops

while loops are used in situations where we do not know the exact number of iterations of the loop beforehand. The loop execution is terminated on the basis of the test conditions.
We have already stated that a loop mainly consists of three statements – initialization expression, test expression, and update expression. The syntax of the three loops – For, while, and do while mainly differs in the placement of these three statements.

A while loop works like this:

  1. Evaluate Test Expression: The loop begins by evaluating a test expression to determine if the loop should run.

  2. Check Condition: If the test expression evaluates to true, the code inside the loop is executed.

  3. Re-evaluate: Once the code within the loop is executed, the test expression is re-evaluated to decide whether the loop should continue running or terminate.

Keep Going or Stop: This cycle continues until the test expression evaluates to false, leading to the termination of the while loop.

While loops offer a valuable mechanism for executing code based on specific conditions. They cease execution as soon as the designated condition becomes false. This functionality proves essential for tasks such as validating user input or iteratively processing data until a particular criterion is satisfied. By assessing the condition at the onset of the loop, you dictate the execution or skipping of the loop's code segment.

Stopping Conditions:

In algorithm design, it's important to have clear stopping conditions for while loops. Stopping conditions determine when the loop should stop running. Without proper stopping conditions, a while loop can run forever, causing what's called an "infinite loop." Infinite loops can crash programs and use up a lot of system resources, so it's crucial to avoid them.

It's essential to have well-defined stopping conditions for while loops in algorithms to prevent infinite loops. Stopping conditions ensure that the loop will eventually end, making the algorithm accurate and efficient.

  • Syntax

    while (condition) {
    // code block to be executed

    Do-While Loops

    In Do-while loops, the loop stops based on test conditions. Unlike a while loop where the condition is checked at the beginning, in a do-while loop, the condition is evaluated at the end of each iteration. This exit-controlled mechanism ensures that the loop executes at least once before checking the condition for subsequent iterations. It provides a distinct approach compared to while and for loops, which are entry-controlled, as they assess the condition before executing the loop's body. Understanding the nuances between these loop types is crucial for designing algorithms that efficiently handle different scenarios and prevent infinite loops, ultimately enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of the algorithmic solutions.

  • Note: In a do-while loop, the loop body will execute at least once irrespective of the test condition.

  • A do-while loop is a type of control structure that lets you run a block of code at least once, and then repeatedly as long as a specific condition remains true. Unlike "for" and "while" loops, which might not run their code if the initial condition is false, a do-while loop guarantees at least one execution before checking the condition again.

Do-While Loops: When to Use Them

DDo-while loops are incredibly useful in programming when you want to ensure that a certain block of code runs at least once. They are particularly beneficial for scenarios where you need to validate user input or handle data processing until a particular condition is satisfied. Unlike other loop structures like "for" and "while" loops, the do-while loop guarantees the execution of the code block at least once before reevaluating the specified condition. This feature makes it a reliable choice for situations where you require an initial execution before checking the condition for subsequent iterations.


do {
// code block to be executed}
while (condition);

Do-While vs. While Loops

Do-while and while loops share similarities, yet they differ primarily in the timing of condition verification. A do-while loop confirms the condition after executing the code block, guaranteeing that the block runs at least once. On the other hand, a while loop assesses the condition before executing the code, potentially resulting in the code not running if the initial condition is false. This distinction is crucial in determining the initial execution behavior of the loop structures.

Important Points

  • The for loop is best suited when the number of iterations is predetermined, meaning you know exactly how many times the loop body needs to be executed.

  • On the other hand, while loops are ideal when you are unsure about the exact number of iterations but you know the condition that will terminate the loop.

  • If you need a code block to run at least once, such as in menu-driven programs, the do-while loop ensures this behavior by executing the code block first and then checking the condition.

What about an Infinite Loop?

An infinite loop, also known as an endless loop, is a coding construct that lacks a functional exit, causing it to repeat indefinitely. This situation arises when a condition is consistently evaluated as true, leading to the loop running endlessly. Infinite loops are typically considered errors in programming and can result in programs becoming unresponsive or consuming excessive system resources. Identifying and resolving infinite loops is crucial to ensure the proper functioning and efficiency of software applications.

Nested Loop

A nested loop is a loop in which one loop resides inside another loop where the inner loop gets executed first, satisfying all the set of conditions that prevailed within the loop followed by an outer loop set of conditions. Execution of statements within the loop flows in a way that the inner loop of the nested loop gets declared, initialized and then incremented. Once all the condition within the inner loop gets satisfied and becomes true, it moves for the search of the outer loop. It is often called a “loop within a loop”.

In programming languages like C++, it is possible to have multiple levels of nesting, with C++ supporting at least 256 levels of nesting. This feature allows for more complex iterations and control flow within programs, enabling developers to implement intricate logic and algorithms. By nesting loops, programmers can perform repetitive tasks in a structured and organized manner, enhancing the functionality and flexibility of their code.

  • When working with nested loops, the execution of statements within the loop follows a specific pattern. The inner loop of the nested loop is first declared, then initialized, and finally incremented.

  • After all conditions within the inner loop are met and become true, the program progresses to the outer loop. This structure, often referred to as a "loop within a loop," allows for intricate control flow and enables developers to create sophisticated algorithms and logic.

   statement(s); // you can put more statements.
   do {
   } while( condition );

} while( condition );

A nested loop has one loop inside of another. These are typically used for working with two dimensions such as printing stars in rows and columns as shown below. When a loop is nested inside another loop, the inner loop runs many times inside the outer loop. In each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop will be re-started. The inner loop must finish all of its iterations before the outer loop can continue to its next iteration.

Switch case

If-else statements serve as versatile tools for decision-making, offering adaptability and the ability to manage diverse conditions and branching logic. They are ideal for evaluating intricate conditions or when conditions require more than simple equality checks. These statements are commonly chosen for situations where conditions are not easily enumerable or when different blocks of code need to be executed based on various conditions.

Conversely, switch statements excel when a single variable needs to be compared against multiple distinct values. They provide a concise way to make the code cleaner and more organized. Therefore, if-else statements and switch statements can work hand in hand, with if-else statements handling complex conditions and switch statements simplifying scenarios with multiple exact matches.

The ‘Switch’ Statement

The Default Case: Within a switch statement, the default case serves as a fallback option. When none of the defined cases match the given expression, the code within the default block gets executed. For example, in the context of our scenario, if a number beyond the range of 1 to 7 is entered, the program will display "Invalid." This feature ensures that there is a predefined response for unexpected inputs, enhancing the robustness and predictability of the code.

Key Considerations for Switch Case Statements:

  • Requirement for a Constant Expression: A crucial aspect of switch statements is that the expression used must result in a constant value. This can involve constants themselves or involve simple arithmetic operations to derive a constant value.

  • Limited to Integer or Character Types: Switch statements are designed to handle integer or character values exclusively. It is essential to ensure that the expression used in the switch statement provides values of type int or char to function correctly.

  • Significance of the 'Break' Keyword: The 'break' keyword plays a vital role within switch cases. It acts as an exit mechanism from the switch statement, preventing the execution of subsequent cases. Omitting the 'break' keyword can lead to unintended fall-through behavior.

  • Optional Default Case: Including a 'default' case is optional in a switch statement. This case executes when none of the specified case values match the expression. It is not mandatory and can be omitted if not required for the specific logic.

  • Prohibition of Duplicate Case Values: In C++, duplicate case values are not allowed within a switch statement. Each case value must be unique to avoid ambiguity and ensure proper execution flow.

  • Potential for Nested Switch Statements: While it is technically feasible to nest one switch statement inside another in C++, this practice is generally discouraged. Nesting switch statements can introduce unnecessary complexity and potentially hinder the readability of the code, making it harder to maintain and debug.

  • Example-

  •   int main() {
          int x = 2;
          int y = 3;
          switch (x) {
              case 1:
                  cout << "x is 1." << endl;
                  switch (y) {
                      case 1:
                          cout << "y is 1." << endl;
                          cout << "y is not 1." << endl;
                  cout << "x is not 1." << endl;
          return 0;

credits: takeuforward